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Archivos diarios: 6 mayo, 2015

¡Punto de encuentro con el ajedrez!

ajedrez 1

Nuestra biblioteca, cada día, es más un referente para nuestros alumnos y alumnas entusiasmados por el ajedrez. Así que ecomendaremos una página en la que podréis encontrar jugadas muy interesantes y seguir , así, aprendiendo.

Podeis entrar por " La pasión del ajedrez en el país. Leontxo García" y esta es la dirección:


Otra dirección para los más peques:



Jorge Vallejo García. You Don´t...

You don't...


Unleash the cry of your soul

Shatters the silence with a scream

Burst the walls making holes

Your brain knows you don't have control

your heart is moved for the dreams


You don't wanna feel

You don't wanna talk

You don't know if this is real


You wake up in a finite world

your eyes are very tired

Turn on the TV, and listen a word

hits your head, that word is war

Hope within you retired


You don't wanna feel

You don't wanna talk

You don't know if this is real


You don't wanna feel

You don't wanna talk

You don't know if this is real

You don't feel

You don't talk

You don't know if this is real


Kill your desire to live

just because you do not love.

The pain you don't forgive

The feeling is the motive,

you just need a push.


You don't wanna feel

You don't wanna talk

You don't know if this is real


You born, you live, you feel, you die

but are reborn, and fly out of the cage

that you repressed for years and lies

it is high time that turn the page

and tell to your god, Goodbye.