El AMPA se hace eco de una actividad de voluntariado que esperamos sea de vuestro interés. Si os interesa participar, por favor, contactad con carmelocotona@yahoo.es
API organizes activities related to different kinds of social volunteering and environmental preservation every semester in every site all around the world. API seeks for our students to become aware and more integrated within the culture and society they will be participating in while abroad. At the same time, students will be giving back to the community that hosts them during their stay, that is why this API activity is called API GIVES BACK PROJECT.
This semester we are going to offer you the opportunity to participate in THE REFORESTATION OF THE GENERALIFE MEADOW. (See pictures below, I hope they encourage you to participate 😉
La Repoblación Forestal del monte del Generalife (junto a la Alhambra J) está organizado por
We encourage you to participate in the digging and sharing the tools with other Spaniards
rather than with other Apiers 😉
WHEN: Saturday 29th of March
MEETING TIME : 9:20 am/9.20 h.
ARRIVAL TIME TO GRANADA: 1.30 pm aprox./13.30h. aprox.
DEADLINE TO SIGN UP: Thursday, 20th of March.
El plan del día es el siguiente:
- 9.20 am Meeting
- 9.30 am Departure to Llano de la Perdiz, close to the Generalife
- 9.45 am aprox. Arrival
- 10 am aprox. Actividad:
· Distribuiréis plantas, (distribution of plants)
· Cavaréis (digging J
· Regaréis … entre otras actividades. (watering)
- 1.15 pm aprox. Regreso a Granada
- 1.30 pm Llegada a Granada
No olvidéis ir con ropa y calzados que sean cómodos. Llevad agua y una gorra para el sol. Y también un snack (tentempié), por si os entra hambre.